Our Mission focus for October is the Southern Anoka Community Assistance (SACA) Food Shelf, founded in 1976 to help meet the food insecurity needs of residents in Columbia Heights, Hill Top, Fridley and Spring Lake Park. Dave Rudolph, Food Shelf Co-Coordinator has been directing this organizations program efforts for the past 14 years. He reports an ever-increasing demand for the food shelf. Today, the program serves 55,000 clients on a yearly basis. This represents an increase of 91% as compared with service numbers from 2019. Over the past 14 years, the program has evolved from providing prepacked boxes of groceries into a service where clients self-select food that fits their individual family tastes. Recently, SACA increased their ability to serve clients by changing food shelf appointments from 15 minutes to every 10 minutes. This allows for 10 more families to be served every day.
SACA operates on food and financial donations from the community. They use monetary donations to buy food through Second Harvest where each $1 can purchase over 10 pounds of food.
SACA provides healthy food for our community members in need with the goal of supporting a pathway to stability and self-sufficiency. The food shelf also provides for individual food delivery through a program called SACA Delivers. The service focuses on clients who find it hard to travel to pick up food at the food shelf. They receive a monthly delivery of food
Who are clients of the food shelf?
Large families, single parent families, individual adults, students, and Seniors are served by the food shelf.
What life circumstances bring people to seek food assistance?
Clients often speak of seeking assistance when they are going through a rough patch lasting 1 – 3 months.
Big bills, lost jobs, retirement that doesn’t cover their needs and prescriptions outstripping their budget bring clients to seek help.
SACA also runs a Thrift Store that is open to the public. All essential items are affordably priced. Thrift store items are donated by the community and the store is maintained and staffed by volunteers. All (yes, 100%) of their sales revenue is used to purchase food. All donations to the SACA Thrift Store are tax deductible.
3 FUMC members volunteer their time with SACA. Jody Lee, Gary Boyer and Jeff Mondloh volunteer for 4 hour shifts each week. SACA is always seeking additional volunteers. Volunteers with Spanish language skills are especially needed to help clients with limited English abilities. Speak with one of us if you would like to learn about the available opportunities.
The food needs for our community are great. Please consider donating to this worthy cause.
We are so grateful and appreciate your continued ministry to the missions of FUMC. Giving is easy using the “Give Online” button on the FUMC website and then select “Missions.” You can also mail your donation to the church. Please write “October Missions” on the memo line of your check. Thank you for your generous support of our mission programs!
United Methodist Women is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
United Methodist Women at FUMC consists of a Board, three Circles and Members at Large.
Naomi Friendship Circle meets the second Friday of the month at the Church at 1:00 PM. They do things like make sandwiches for Dignity Center, cards for Shut-ins and other small projects.
Ruth Circle meets at the church the third Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM. They follow a study book.
Tabitha Circle does Service projects like Feed My Starving Children, making blankets for the homeless, collecting Cake Mixes and Frosting Mixes for Food Shelves and other worthwhile projects.
We also have a Fall Gathering and Salad Luncheon in the Spring which are our major fundraisers for our mission projects. (TBD)
CONTACT: Dawn Bushnell
Phone: 763-755-0845
Drivers are always needed. We drive one week per month during the lunch hour.
To volunteer, contact: Impact Services, Meals on Wheels at 763-236-8718, ask for Laura Fanucci.